Mar 29, 2020
Jardines de la Catedral María Inmaculada Javier Riera Berdeko Konstelazioa Four projections of light and geometry over the trees of the park behind the cathedral make up the trail by Berdeko Konstelazioa (`Constellation in green´). The relationship...
Mar 29, 2020
Quiosco de Música Parque de la Florida Playmodes (ES) ZOOTROP Zootrop is a box of music and light. Inside it, a threesome of jazz turns with the light around it in a continuous journey without movement. An audiovisual show in which a light installation, which...
Mar 29, 2020
Plaza de los Fueros – Fachada Fundación Vital Illusion on stage (ES) Respira Vida We feed nature with plastics it does not need, same as we feed our body with things we do not need. We fill our shopping bag with expandable things, we buy things we do not...
Mar 29, 2020
Plaza de España dLux & Oído (ES) Eclipse In the period of time an eclipse lasts, the architecture comes to life and we enter a reality of altered perceptions. During the four minutes the proposal lasts lighting and relationship concepts develop...
Mar 29, 2020
Pórtico de la Iglesia de San Miguel Anna Rosa Rupp (DE) Lightprint / Indefinite Nations The colors and the forms are based on abstract impressions of xylography on paper, which in constant movement create variations of composition in the space:...
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